The Icon himself, Jollibee, was introduced in 1980 as the first mascot for the food chain. Dressed in a red suit and chef hat, this anthropomorphic has become the face that brings joy and happiness to the customers. The first iteration of him was more slender and wore green bottoms.
Introduced in 1980 to 1983 as “Mr. Yum”, the mascot was created to promote the regular “yum” hamburger product line. He is seen dark suited man with a bowler hat shaped as the “yum burger”. He was later updated in 2009 and renamed as “Yum”. His appearance changed to a younger man with yellow visor shades but still keeping his burger shaped hat.
Introduced in 1988 to promote the popular “Twirly” Sundaes, Twirlie is a bright colored female mascot in purple and pink attire with a hairdo that looks alike to a sundae. She is currently active and appears often on promotion materials and events.
Introduced in 1980, Popo was created to promote French Fries. He was initially designed as a boy with a red shirt with blue overalls and hair made of thick fires and a hat that looks like a carton for fries. His design was later changed to give him a more sleek look with a blue tracksuit and sideways upside-down running visor to replace his hat. He is currently active and seen often with Jollibee crew.
The last of the Jollibee crew, Heey was introduced in 1984 to promote the “jolly spaghetti” product line. She is designed as a young girl with blond hair that looks like spaghetti stands. She is a crowd favorite after Jollibee and is currently active with the jolly crew.